Sacred Circle Dance
Connect to Spirit, Music, Movement
If you feel a sense of connection to music or dance, come and try Sacred Circle Dance
It is a dance movement that works with the elements and cycles of the earth and is gentle on the body, easy to learn, cathartic and grounding
You can experience healing through music and dance
In ancient times, people danced in circles with others in their community to create unity and connection
Music varies from ancient European, Celtic to contemporary meditative songs
Dance speeds can be fast, slow or meditative
In dancing these ancient and contemporary rhythms, we connect more deeply to our inner feelings and learn to be more accepting of ourselves and others
Many participants experience a heightened connection to their sense of the divine as well as joy and peace
Explored themes can include Goddess energy, rebirth and renewal, equinox and solstice
Give yourself the gift of dance and see where it takes you
Suitable for men and women
Base Price:
2 hour dance event, including break
$15 per person (up to 20 participants)
Minimum of 8 people (chargeable fee)
Group rates available for larger groups
Minimum chargeable fee TBD​
**Booking deposit required in advance
Remainder of fee due at event
Fees payable via e-transfer, cash or cheque
Travel charge may apply
Customized themes available
To book or for questions:
Use Contact Us page or
Call/Text Tracey (613) 816-6587 or